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Scaling up self – injectable Contraceptives in Rural Zambia.

DMPA-SC (and branded for consumers as “Sayana Press”) is an injectable contraceptive that prevents pregnancy for 3 months. It comes packaged in a self-injectable form. This means that a woman can self-administer the contraceptive herself and from the comfort of her own home, rather than traveling to a health clinic.

The pilot to scale up the distribution of self-injection contraceptive-DMPA – SC is being implemented in Mpika district of Muchinga province for three (3) months and will be scaled up to the other six priority rural provinces.  The pilot phase of the project was launched on November 4, 2020 at Crumach Lodge in Mpika District by the District Commissioner Mr. Sampa Muswema. Among the invited stakeholders, Provincial Nursing Officer – Muchinga Province and the Mpika District Health Director . In his remarks the DC shared how family planning was no there to reduce populations but to help families plan and live better lives

SIHI also shared how the pilot phase was to be implemented. The implementation will use the distribution model below within three 3 months of piloting:

  • Placement of a dedicated SIHI staff at the District Health Office
  • Using the existing supply chain system to access DMPA – SC
  • Providing a comprehensive client focused counselling on FP methods available to clients
  • Referrals for methods not provided by CBDs and facility staff
  • Engaging CBDs within the community to distribute injectable contraceptives